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Large Format Tile Floor Installation

To start installing large format tiles on the floor, mix 5.0 to 6.0 liters of water with 11.3 kgs. of AEROFLEX 670 in a clean vessel. Ensure thorough mixing to avoid air entrapment and let the mix slake for 10 to 15 minutes. Spread a thin layer of mortar over the substrate using a notched trowel, then firmly place tiles into position.

Beat in the tiles with a block to achieve a mortar bed thickness of 1/8 to 3/4 inch. Make immediate alignments and adjustments, and clean joints promptly with a damp sponge. Avoid soaking tiles before application and consider back buttering for specific installations.

Large Format Tile Installation on Existing Tile Wall

When installing large format tiles on an existing tile wall, begin by preparing the mortar mix as before. Apply the mortar onto the existing tile surface using the recommended notched trowel, ensuring full coverage. Carefully place the large format tiles onto the mortar bed, twisting slightly to secure them.

Maintain alignment, make necessary adjustments, and promptly clean joints and smudges with a damp sponge. Ensure the existing tiles are structurally sound and the surface is clean for proper adhesion.

Materials used for this project

Aeroflex I Mortaio a presa sottile modificato con polimero leggero
Aeroflex I Mortaio a presa sottile modificato con polimero leggero

Aeroflex I Light-Weight Polymer-Modified Thin-Set Mortar

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Ceraflex LFT I Malta a letto medio modificata con polimero per piastrelle di grande formato
Ceraflex LFT I Malta a letto medio modificata con polimero per piastrelle di grande formato

Ceraflex LFT I Large Format Tile Polymer-Modified Medium-bed Mortar

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